He’s Coming Undone
This is a haunting and evocative song about a heroic veteran of the war in Iraq. It was written and produced by Lynne and sung powerfully by Todd Guggins, a DC area artist. It tells the story of Jeans Cruz, the Army Specialist who actually pulled Sadaam Hussein out of his hiding hole in Iraq. Jeans came home to a hero’s welcome with parades and ceremonial honors, but soon descended into an emotional “hell” with a serious case of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. This song tells the struggle of Jeans and thousands of brave men and women like him who have paid a huge sacrifice to fight this terrible war. “He’s Coming Undone” will soon be the cornerstone of a provocative film about Jeans Cruz and his struggle to cope with his emotional illness.
Listen to the song in “The Jeans Cruz Story” here (password: 107Annapolis)